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How to become a believer in christ

5 things you must know and 1 thing you must do

1. the bible is the word of god

2 Timothy 3:16

In order to be a follower of Christ you MUST believe the Bible is the Word of God, written by men through the inspiration of God. In all actuality it was 44 different men from different locations, different times, and different status and positions and careers. And come into agreement that all 66 books written are timelessly accurate historically, geographically, societal, and scientifically as well as prophetically.  

2. jesus is the god of the bible

John 1:1

John 14:6-9

In order to be a follower of Christ you MUST believe Jesus is the God of the Bible. He is apart of the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) are all ONE. 

3. We are all sinners or disobedient to god

Romans 3:10

Romans 3:23

In order to be a follower of Christ you MUST believe we are all sinners or disobedient to God. We all fall short to God's glory. If you just took the Ten Commandments and judged yourself by them you along with everyone else would be found guilty of them all. We all would be found guilty. Therefore, we would deserve punishment for our offenses. So there is no one that is Good except God who lived a sinless life. 

4. Because of our sin we are separated from god

Romans 6:23

Romans 5:12

In order to be a follower of Christ you MUST acknowledge and believe because of our sin we are separated from God and will CANNOT be with him in Heaven because of it. 

5. Jesus paid for our sin by dying on the cross, and rising from the dead that we might be reunited with god

Romans 5:8

In order to be a follower of Christ you MUST believe Jesus paid for our sins by dying on the cross, and rising from the dead (defeated death) that we might be reunited with God. He was seen by over 500 eye witnesses after His death. He died so that he could pay the penalty of our sins so we could be set from from eternal separation from Him forever. Instead, it is a free gift we have been given. 

the one thing we must do...

Romans 10:13

Romans 10:9-10

Call on the name of Jesus with your mouth out loud (to notify the devil and his demons and God's angels to cary out you words because they are ministering spirits to make it come about in the spiritual realm) and to believe in your heart what he has done for us. 




Dear Lord, 

I know that the Bible is your word. I know that you are God. I believe that you died in my place to pay for my sins. I know you rose from the dead proving that you are God. Right now in the best way I know how, I'm calling on you to be my Lord and Savior and God. Thank you Jesus for dying for me, help me now to live for you. 


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